Monday, November 16, 2009

11/15 Update!

OZRIM™ 2009-2010
3809 Pilot Drive
Plano, Texas 75025

November 16, 2009

Dear Ozrim:

Well, we made it all the way to the Turkey Day break! Remember there is a staff development for those in town this Sunday (10-12). Otherwise we are off until December 6, a day before a day that will live in infamy. For those of you that do not know what that means… shame on you and shame on your history teachers.
A gentle reminder that when leaving the class for services or the day, please turn off the lights – we should try to protect the environment anyway we can. Speaking of Mr. Lorax, Ari wore neon green recycled eco footware. Frick this week went to the one and only Laura.
This week we had plenty of Vanity Fair entries, including Alexa (who also danced to a song about indigestion), Laura (who multi-tasked with a big class), Bari (who also won Muablehcie for sitting with her kids in music), and Kyra (who wore a sweatshirt over her outfit). GQ was SHARED this week between Jake (who may Betsy Ross the award before January) and Reese (who also wore a tie). Max Gru won honorable mention GQ (looks good, but not the old professional of last year). Jeremy and Jonathan looked like the fruit stripe twins. You have heard of Dr Pepper, now you need to meet Dr. Refill, also known as Zach.
Morgan did not wear her utility belt, but she says she is still involved in competitive eating – speaking of which, her future beau, Adam Richman, announced he will be at the Dallas House of Blues soon. Mason tried to sit in the little chairs, and looked like Clyde the Orangutan with his arms swinging to the ground (Every Which Way But Loose reference). Val actually survived the week cursing her alter ego for not showing up. Rachel sang with hand signals.
Andrew organized the closet and looked for Rosie. Hana is blond, following her Off Broadway role as Sally. Kelly wants everyone to remember to go to services, and not to be caught outside on a couch! Carl is apparently Ms. Carl, but that is supposed to be a “good thing.” Josh is out college hunting, specifically for anything that is at least a tank of gas away from his home address, because he is under the ridiculous belief that his parents have nothing better to do with their time next year than come visit his dorm regularly. Max Gre wins Waddle for coming to school tired.
Mose was passing out scissors with 911 on standby, possibly trying to recreate a scene from the movie Dead Again. With all that said, everyone have a nice break. Dennis

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

OZRIM™ 2009-2010
3809 Pilot Drive
Plano, Texas 75025

November 9, 2009

Dear Ozrim:

I want you to know that Andrew takes his note taking very seriously; he was able to work one on one with a student this week, too. I actually only caught a glimpse of Garrett this week, but that is because he was in his class working hard, with his iron fist.
Frick this week goes to Laura and Kelly. Kelly wanted her own line, so for Kelly: _______
Ari wants everyone to remember no shorts, no hats in class. GQ this week is in sole possession of one Jacob Sklar, with his homage to Texas A&M. Jeremy had a multi-striped outfit. Man-who-used-to-wear-tie was the semi-tucked-in look.
Morgan wore a yellow Batman utility belt, probably to keep in the 5 pieces of pizza she downed. Mason is getting old in his rocking chair. Reese maintained student eye contact the entire time in his class, and did a good job explaining ROTC. Zach was Jimmy “Superfly” Snooka versus one of his students.
Candace looked like Selena in her outfit (not Selena Gomez, whoever that is). The only Gomez I know was in the Addams Family. Val was explaining how she enjoyed working at the opposite end of the temple from Candace. Jonathan was bothering his teacher. Rachel did a good job working with students/parents in the second grade affair; she and Max Gre win Muablehcie for best coverage (Max was working with a non-cooperative student). Zach got one of those, too. J
Vanity Fair this week went to Alexa, Kyra (who brought a child down who was feeling ill and she told her not to throw up on her) and Lydia (whose teacher says she is devilish). Bari wore the longest pants – fit for Manute Bol. Mose won the Ultra Brite Smile for being happy in class.
Carl must have picked the lock to give his class access to the fox. Andrew thinks Carl is perfect always. Paul hates tennis players – a strange for of xenophobia, know as deuce-a-phobia. We meet every week at 8:45 unless there is an earlier staff meeting.
Bears are collapsing – it is very depressing without Urlacher, but it all Joy Addison’s fault, since she would not put him on the Temple Mishaberach list. By the way, feel free to Google any strange references in this letter. Dennis